Join Unified-ITF Singapore - Charter School
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To carry out General Choi's legacy by unifying all ITF organizations under the guidance of his World-Renowned Grandmasters.
The Unified-ITF Singapore will:
Offer to any ITF school still have access to ITF Grandmasters.
Offer Black Belt Certificates signed by ITF Grandmasters.
Insure no duplication of Black Belt Certificate Numbers.
Offer access to join World Championship to all ITF organizations.
Encourage open access for any members to participate in the activities of all ITF organizations
Offer Seminars to every members who wish to participate.
Celebrate General Choi's Annual Memorial under one ITF Unified.
To carry out the the legacy of the Founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi.
There must be only one Taekwon-Do.
There must be only one ITF.
To meger Taekwon-Do and all other Taekwon-Do organizations.
Build our original Taekwon-Do as General Choi Hong Hi created.
Build the Internation Taekwon-Do Federation to accept all Taekwon-Do.
Build on and open communications with the World Taekwondo.
Build on and open communications with the International Olympic committee.
To exclude all politics from Taekwon-Do.
Exclusion of the politcians with in the Internation Taekwon-Do Federation.
International Taekwon-Do Federation should be run by Martial Artists.
To refine Taekwon-Do Promotions.
Banning of all illegal promotions.
Centralize Certification
Give respect to all martial artist.
ITF Operation need to improve on:
Keep all original ITF Uniforms.
Stop the monopoly of uniform sales.
Ban all illegal promotions.
Certification Fees
Low cost for ITF member to be able to pay.
Every country should pay feed based on their country's economics situation.
Retirement Fund
Missing of over 1 million dollars in the ITF retirement fund need to be returned to the ITF.
The fund was setup by General Choi Hong Hi for the retirement of Masters and Grandmasters.
Office in Vienna
Belongs to all ITF members.
Take back office that was illegally given to someone else.
The building was paid through certificate fees from ITF members.
Join ITF memberships
Open door for World Taekwondo members.
Open door for all other organization.
General Choi Hong Hi's Biography
Protect the history of Taekwon-Do.
Protect the history of General Choi Hong Hi.
Educate current and future ITF members.
To merge all ITF organization into one.